Unlock More Traffic & Revenue with Our SEO Packages

Discover the tailored search engine optimization solution your business deserves with our selection of pre-built or customizable SEO packages. Gain access to comprehensive on-page, off-page, and technical SEO strategies, coupled with cutting-edge AI insights, ROI tracking, and beyond. Reach out today to request a proposal and kickstart your journey towards maximizing revenue from search!

Discover your ideal solution with our range of personalized SEO Packages

Almost overnight, San Jose, the city of brotherly love, has transformed into the latest “it” city along the East Coast, with entrepreneurs starting new businesses and hiring a flood of Millennials arriving for jobs. The New York Times has referred to Atlanta as “the next borough,” for its close business ties. Top cuisine, affordable housing, and a rich cultural life all contribute to its popularity as a great place to live and do business. 

Businesses located in the heart of Atlanta economic boom know that the competition to get customers to their business website is also growing. To succeed in this market, your business needs the best San Jose SEO services that deliver digital marketing expertise and measurable results. You need Social Market Way a Full Digital Marketing Agency

People Often Ask Us How to Improve SEO on their Websites

The best way to get top Google rankings is to hire a local SEO company. Social Market Way is a results-based SEO agency in Atlanta To help your business grow we:

  • Take extra steps to deliver more results than you pay for
  • Create solutions unique to your business needs with the latest research and time-tested strategies to launch a successful digital marketing campaign 
  • Keep you informed with monthly reports and transparent communication. Our reporting demonstrates measurable results each month
  • Give you results by positioning your website on Page 1 to bring highly-targeted traffic to your business for added customers and profits

Read our case studies from satisfied clients of Social Market Way.

Unlock all your SEO essentials with Our comprehensive SEO packages.

Experience seamless optimization with our comprehensive SEO packages. Bid farewell to complexity as our turn-key solutions, coupled with our esteemed team of over 500 professionals, deliver everything required to elevate your business’s rankings, traffic, and search revenue. Explore the details of our SEO service packages below:

SEO Strategy

Crafting your strategy involves meticulous attention to:

Defining your business goals.

Conducting thorough industry research.

Analyzing your target market.

Performing SEO audits to assess your current status.

Analyzing your competitors.

Formulating a tailored strategy to enhance your online presence and achieve your SEO objectives.

Your website’s SEO package encompasses:

  1. On-page SEO, comprising keyword research, optimization, and meta tag enhancements.
  2. Off-page SEO, involving outreach, content creation, and promotion activities.
  3. Technical SEO, entailing sitemap configuration, internal linking optimization, and schema markup implementation.
  4. Local SEO, which includes Google Business Profile optimization, local listing monitoring, and additional enhancements.

The third part of our Philadelphia SEO services is implementing a daily SEO plan to keep your rankings growing over time. Some of the most important SEO optimizations we deliver are:

On Page SEO 

  • Start with an initial SEO site audit to set a base line of your website’s current performance for measuring future results
  • Research high-volume keywords and phrases to target the search terms used by your potential clients
  • Create a sitemap and web outline for the highest traffic keywords and phrases and to integrate your content 
  • Check the HTML web language and code on the website and revise it so it is error-free and accurately conveys to Google how to index your site for top SEO results
  • Optimize your domain URL, page titles, H-tags and meta-descriptions, geo-tag images for local search, and add alt-tags and image descriptions 
  • Produce articles, blogs and other marketing content to increase page authority that supports your core content, while creating inner links to the information your clients need
  • Improve site navigation to help visitors easily find the information they need 

Off Page SEO

  • Create power-links to and from other relevant industry websites to your site, giving you a higher authority online presence
  • Add to your social media profile and link these online properties to your website to enlarge your brand presence and send much more traffic to your site
  • Expand your web properties in Philadelphia and nationwide with additional business directory listings and citations that consistently display your contact information 
  • Create additional content and publish it on industry-related sites to deliver more traffic to your website and to build its online trust factor
  • Repeat these strategies throughout the first-year campaign, building at a safe and steady pace to increase organic search results increase and grow your revenue 

People ask our Philadelphia SEO consultants, “How will I know if your SEO strategies are working?” When you work with our internet marketing agency, you will receive monthly SEO Reports that contain measurements and graphs that show the increased traffic,

Our team of SEO experts are available every business day to give you an update by phone, text or email.  There is nothing hidden about how your website is doing and the results we get in your digital marketing campaign. You will also have online access to your own client workbook so you can log in and check both the work we’re doing and the results. 

A Digital Marketing Agency that Personalizes Every Step of the Process 

At Social Market Way, we love to:

Go the extra mile by over-delivering for every client. Personalize solutions using the latest research and new

strategies in line with Google algorithm changes, to keep you succeeding year after year. 

Put you first with regular communication and reporting measurable results month by month.

Keep our standards high to draw targeted and converting traffic to your website for the best possible return on investment.

Our Clients’ Amazing Google Ranking Results!

The screenshots below show the overall increase in website traffic and online visibility which led to more sales, leads, and customers for our clients.

 Benefits from Working with Social Market Way Agency

Increase Revenue


Your website will experience a huge surge in organic traffic, with people who are ready to buy your products or services. Increased traffic means increased sales, which bring you increased revenue that eventually overtakes your initial investment in search engine optimization services.

Grow Customers


Our Social Market Way SEO agency knows how to target your ideal prospects and convert them into clients with extensive research, planning, and implementing expert on-page and off-page SEO techniques.



As one of the best SEO companies in San Jose, we participate regularly in SEO mastermind events with the world’s top digital marketers to stay ahead of the curve with every new change in Google’s search algorithm — innovation that benefits your SEO results.

CEO, Iboats

“If you’re searching for a reliable San Jose SEO company filled with knowledgable and passionate staff, then you’ve come to the right place. Yassin and his team connect with their customers on a personal level. Not only are they a pleasure to work with, but the environment is filled with fun and enthusiasm. “

Jenna Nicole

“A lot of Philly companies these days, are truly just sending some links and crossing their fingers. Yassin and his team is a wonderful exception to this rule. “

Steve Jibs

“Top SEO company in Philaldelphia for sure!. We hired Social Market Way a few years ago and ever since our business has grown consistently. I am all about results and these guys have delivered every time. Yassin really understand the new challenges as related to Google analytics, web ranking, and Search Engine Optimization. I would recommend them to any small and medium business as well as larger companies.”

Samah Hassan

CEO, Curvy Sense

“I’ve launched an online store for formal wear dresses that are tailored to curvy women. Working with the team at Social market way, I was able to improve my online web presence and increase sales. Highly recommened them!”

Wendy Bristow

CEO Onlyleggings

“Social Market Way has been vital in helping our company get more business opportunity from the web. Previous to our relationship with Social Market Way we had acquired one customer thru our Website. Now we have a full time employee just to handle the activity. They are a great team!”

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs – about SEO packages

What are SEO Packages?

SEO packages, offered by agencies, consultants, and freelancers, are either pre-configured or customizable suites of search engine optimization services. These SEO packages are designed to enhance a website’s alignment with search engine ranking criteria, boosting its visibility in pertinent search results. This increased visibility aims to drive more traffic to the website.

What is the price range for SEO packages?

The cost of SEO packages varies based on the provider and the specific services included. Generally, you can expect to pay between $1,00 and $4,000 per month for these services. To get the most precise pricing, it’s best to request a personalized quote.

What different types of SEO packages are available?

Explore a diverse array of SEO Package solutions tailored to your needs:

What sets apart SEO packages from SEO services? Let's delve into the distinctions.

Distinguishing between SEO packages and SEO services boils down to their structure. SEO packages usually come as ready-made solutions for SEO management, while SEO services are often tailored to specific needs.

However, not all SEO packages adhere strictly to this division. For instance, options like those offered by Social Market Way can be customized, allowing you to create a personalized plan aligned with your business’s distinct requirements.

What advantages do search engine optimization packages offer?

Discover the advantages of search engine optimization packages:

Efficiently delegate SEO responsibilities such as content creation and backlink building. Elevate your rankings with the expertise of seasoned SEO professionals shaping your strategy. Streamline marketing expenses by entrusting SEO to a trusted provider. Stay ahead of the curve with cutting-edge SEO techniques and industry best practices. To enhance your SEO performance, investing in a package could be the solution you need.

What elements are essential in an SEO package?

A comprehensive SEO package should encompass:

Transparent pricing Thorough SEO audit Tailored SEO Marketing packages optimizations Regular reporting Given the diverse nature of SEO plans, optimization strategies may span from off-page enhancements to local SEO tactics. When considering website SEO packages, it’s crucial to have the provider detail their offerings, allowing you to grasp precisely what’s included.

What should be included in an SEO package?

An SEO package should include the following components:

  • Transparent pricing
  • Comprehensive SEO audit
  • Targeted SEO optimizations
  • Detailed reporting

Since SEO plans can differ significantly, optimizations might range from off-page strategies to local SEO enhancements. When evaluating website SEO packages, ensure the provider clearly outlines their deliverables so you know exactly what to expect.

How long does it take for SEO packages to deliver results?

Typically, SEO packages take three to six months to show results. The timeline can vary based on factors such as your website’s current SEO status, the specific package, and the strategy employed. Before investing in an SEO service package, discuss with the provider their expected timeline for seeing a return on investment.

Is investing in SEO packages worthwhile?

SEO packages prove their value when:

  • You partner with a respected agency aligned with your objectives.
  • Timely implementation of SEO updates is prioritized.
  • You diligently measure results to gauge SEO’s tangible impact.
  • Conversely, opting for a low-cost package may lead to disappointment in its effectiveness.
When is the right time to invest in an SEO package?

If you observe the following signs within your SEO efforts, it might be time to explore purchasing an SEO package:

  • Time constraints: If you find yourself lacking the time to manage SEO tasks effectively.
  • Unsatisfactory results: If you’re not achieving the desired outcomes despite your SEO efforts.
  • Skill gaps: If you lack expertise in specific areas of SEO, such as off-page optimization.

Investing in an SEO plan can address these challenges efficiently. Conversely, attempting to resolve these issues internally would likely necessitate hiring additional team members, which often incurs higher costs than opting for SEO service packages.

How do I find the best SEO package for my business?

Here are steps to kick-start your search for the ideal SEO package for your business:

  1. Define your SEO requirements, budget, and objectives.
  2. Seek recommendations from your professional network.
  3. Educate yourself on potential pitfalls and red flags associated with cheaper SEO services.
  4. Utilize online resources to identify SEO companies or consultants offering management packages.
  5. Evaluate providers based on pricing, services offered, client reviews, and case studies.
  6. Arrange meetings with top contenders to discuss your needs and their processes in detail.
  7. Request proposals from the most promising candidates to review final pricing and contract terms.

When exploring search engine optimization packages, be cautious of the following warning signs:

  • Providers offering plans priced below $500 per month.
  • Providers guaranteeing specific outcomes, such as achieving a first-page ranking for a set number of keywords.
  • Providers with predominantly negative reviews.
  • Providers lacking credibility indicators, such as reviews, case studies, or industry certifications.

For further insights into procuring a professional SEO package, refer to our comprehensive guide on hiring SEO agencies!

What sets apart each of your SEO packages?

Here’s how our SEO packages vary:

  1. Targeted keywords: Each package targets a different number of keywords.
  2. Earned media assets: The number of earned media assets varies across packages.
  3. Reporting dashboards: The number of reporting dashboards provided differs between packages.

Additionally, certain packages may include extra services from our team. For example, our basic SEO package doesn’t encompass a website usability analysis or searcher experience analysis, unlike some of our other packages.

In essence, the discrepancies among our packages lie in their respective deliverables.

Are dedicated consultant included in your SEO service packages?


When you team up with Social Market Way for any service, be it SEO or web design, you’ll be assigned a dedicated account manager. Your account manager will be your reliable point of contact, ensuring seamless communication for inquiries and information sharing.

Monthly SEO packages or one-time SEO packages: Which option is superior?

When exploring SEO plans, you’ll encounter two primary options: monthly and one-time packages. But what sets these packages apart, and which one is the optimal choice for your business?

Monthly SEO

A monthly plan allows for a gradual, sustainable build-up in your campaign. With ongoing optimization efforts, you have the opportunity to refine your strategy over time, yielding superior results.

Monthly SEO packages offer stability, ensuring continuous attention to your campaign without any added stress on your end. This allows you to focus on managing your business while reaping the benefits of a sustained SEO campaign.

However, it’s important to note that monthly SEO is an ongoing investment, requiring a fixed monthly payment for the duration of the campaign.

One-time SEO:

One-time SEO campaigns often present a more cost-effective solution, as they entail a fixed, one-time payment for a specified duration of optimization efforts.

However, the downside is that the allotted time may not be sufficient to achieve desired results, potentially necessitating your team to take over. This transition can be challenging, particularly if your team lacks experience in managing an SEO campaign.

Furthermore, once you assume control, you may find yourself incurring additional expenses on SEO tools to sustain the campaign independently.

Which is the better option?

While one-time SEO might appear appealing for its simplicity, optimal SEO outcomes are typically achieved through long-term strategies. For the most effective results and maximum utilization of your budget, a monthly SEO package is recommended. This approach ensures ongoing refinement and effectiveness in your campaign.

What elements should be avoided in an SEO package?

When searching for the right SEO package, you may encounter offers that appear too good to be true from various companies. If you’re not well-versed in SEO, it can be challenging to discern the credibility of these companies.

To guide you, here are a few red flags to watch out for in an SEO plan:

1.Instant results promises:

Authentic SEO doesn’t yield immediate results. It requires ongoing optimization efforts to align with the ever-evolving algorithms. Steer clear of SEO packages that guarantee instant results, as they often resort to black-hat techniques such as keyword stuffing and cloaking, which violate search engine guidelines and can lead to penalties.


2.Lack of research:

A reputable SEO company should conduct thorough research on your business, website, industry, and competitors as part of their strategy. Without this foundational research, an SEO campaign is likely to be ineffective. Look for SEO packages that emphasize research as a crucial component.


3.Absence of reporting:

Transparency is key in SEO. If a company doesn’t offer reporting in their SEO packages, it’s a cause for concern. Reporting provides insights into your campaign’s performance and ensures accountability. Companies that avoid reporting may be either unsuccessful or employing dubious tactics.


4.Guarantees of top Google ranking:

No SEO company can guarantee the #1 position on Google. While they may improve your ranking over time through legitimate optimizations, any promise of immediate top-ranking results should be met with skepticism. Such guarantees often signal the use of black-hat techniques and are unreliable.

Exercise caution when encountering offers that seem too good to be true in SEO packages. It’s essential to partner with a reputable company that employs ethical practices and prioritizes long-term success over quick fixes.

Discover the ideal solution with our customizable Search Engine Optimization Packages.